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Atlantic | Oase Professional Contractor

​Specializing In Ponds, Waterfalls, Fountains, Underwater Lighting, Spillways & Water Feature Installation, Repair & Maintenance Services

Based in Clearfield, Utah (UT) Serving Farmington, Salt Lake City & Park City Surrounding Areas

A Little About Atlantic|Oase Professional Contractor - T's Landscaping Services

Being an Atlantic | Oase Professional Contractor located in Clearfield, Utah (UT) - has its benefits. We call Utah our Home - Our passion for designing and building beautiful Ponds is well defined within all of our projects. We specialize in building the Atlantic | Oase Pond Free Disappearing waterfalls & streams, for the really low maintenance, high use landscape. You don't need a lot of space to have a nice fountain style or formal spillway with LED pond lighting for your water feature. T's Landscaping Services also installs all kinds of custom Fountain features, like Vases with colored lighting for maximum enjoyment even at night, you can be sure you are getting the best when you choose the team at T's Landscaping Services to install your water feature. We travel around the whole nation attending water gardening seminars, like the Atlantic | Oase Professional Contractor event,  to keep up with all the new trends and products that are in the water gardening business. 



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To Contact T's Landscaping Services Directly

If you live in our area and you're looking for a fast quote on service for your pond, or are looking for a new water feature, please fill out the form below so we can access the current condition of your pond, water feature, or current yard. This information will help us to accurately calculate travel distance for our service technicians, and your uploaded photos will allow us to accurately judge pricing for services without scheduling a paid consultation visit.

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